A Letter from Our Pastor

Bishop David E. Green Sr

O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? - Romans 7:24

Facing my mortality with sickness and the burdens of my sins, I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, tarried for three years, and was filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit of God gave the utterance in the year 2000.

While sitting under the only pastor I’ve ever served, Bishop Chester Friend, he would render me a great opportunity to learn how to be a servant. Whatever my hands found to do, I did. Serving in the life of Christ eventually led me to playing the drums, chauffeuring, serving communion, teaching, preaching, and countless other means of servitude.

As I reflect on the pivotal moment of being ordained by my pastor, Bishop Friend, the prayer still rings fresh in my hearing. As he prayed over me and my wife, "Lord, be with Minister Green as he preaches the gospel, whether it be here at Greater Mt. Zion or whether it be abroad. Deliver his wife from fear and enable her to stand by his side as he preaches the gospel, whether it be here at Greater Mt. Zion or whether it be abroad.” I didn’t realize that years later, the Lord would allow circumstances to come that would indeed push me out of my comfort zone. Being led by the Lord, I began having church in my living room for two and a half months with my wife, Sis. Nicolette Green, four of our children, and our two grandchildren. We began to outgrow what we began to affectionately call “813 Overbrooke Holiness Church.” Without an outreach plan or networking to gain members, the Lord caused souls to hunger for the preaching of the gospel and seek refuge under our charge. We considered moving the church from the living room to the garage to accommodate the growing work, but realized that this was not the will of God. With a fervent heart, I began to seek God for direction, and it was at this point that the Lord led us to establish Denton Holiness Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. in the heart of Denton, MD.

With four hundred dollars and a burden to find a place for the saints to worship, we accepted the gracious offer from Bishop Charles Cephas to move into the vacant building, where my wife, Sis. Nicky, received the Holy Ghost in the early 90’s after graduating high school. This venture was strictly by faith, as the building needed renovating that we did not have the money for. But God provided for the people! With love and sweat equity, the brethren labored to make the temple ready for service. With very little experience in carpentry and even less money, we put our hands to the plow, and the Lord gave us the increase. He opened doors that are too many to mention. He gave us favor with people that we didn’t even know. He dried tears that we cried in secret because we couldn’t see our way, and he gave us strength to persevere in an area that we didn’t even know that he was preparing us for: pastoring!

On Sunday, July 28, 2019, our first service was held at Denton Holiness Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. One year later, on August 26, 2020, we were ordained to the office of bishop by the laying on of hands of Bishop Charles Cephas. We are only here with God’s permission. We have preached and will continue to preach the gospel as it is written in the Word of God, calling men and women to repent of their sins and to be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ so that they may be filled with the Holy Ghost! Admonishing men and women to live a sanctified and holy life, as is required by the scriptures, to see God in peace. We give God all of the glory for all He has done and all that He will continue to do according to His word , Amen.

I am the husband of one beautiful wife. The Lord has blessed us with five children, two daughters-in-law, and six grandchildren. The story is too great to put all into words, but mighty are His works and grace toward us!

Humbly submitted,

Bishop David E. Green, Sr.