Sister’s Corner

You Love Me?

Psalm 146:8 KJV

[8] The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the rrighteous.

I saw a video that went viral awhile ago of a toddler asking her dad repeatedly, “You love me?”And each time, his response was yes. What stood out the most was the reassurance the dad gave his daughter every time she asked did he love her.

Our God is love, the creator of all things, and the all powerful. But yet we continue to doubt His love for us? Is it because we don’t hear His audible voice or see Him in a physical form?

A young lady was going through a very painful season in her life, transitioning from leaving the old but not knowing how to take the next step to the new. On one of the darkest nights in her life, she was in such emotional and mental dispair that she thought she would lose her mind. She felt it was impossible for any human being to survive the amount of pressure she was feeling. So at midnight with her children in tow she drove to the the only person that could help. As she was driving, she screamed and cried out as loud as she could, “Lord, I’m hurting, I need to feel your physical arms around me, or I’m not going to make it through the night.. “ then she said, “I know you are a spirit so if you won’t let me feel your arms, I need my mother.”

She arrived at her friend’s house in a miserable state and returned home at daybreak in the same condition not knowing how she would make it through the day especially with children depending her. About an hour after being home she heard a loud knock at the door. Her children answered the door and she heard a familiar voice. That voice was her mother’s.

What you don’t know is her mother lived over 1400 miles away; and her husband, who was a truck driver decided to take a load to Maryland so the mother could surprise her daughter.

That was no coincidence; that was a miracle! Needless to say, that miracle showed the young lady that the Lord loves her. The Lord didn't answer her 1st request of wrapping His physical arms around her, but He granted the 2nd request—her Mother. God is never reactive but is all-knowing. He knew what the young lady needed and when and had fore-ordained the answer to her prayers. Keep making your request known unto God.. We must trust Him in our suffering season. He succors us in such a beautiful way that only the creator can; undeniably, He deserves all the glory.

Sisters, when you come to a crossroad, and it’s unbearably painful; choose the right path…the straight and narrow. Our Lord Jesus will send help in our time of need!

We have a good Father!

Sister HE loves us!!


March 19, 2024 - Anonymous


I am Healed

Interviewer: Praise the Lord my Sister!

Sister: Praise Jesus my Sister!

Interviewer: We would like for you to share your testimony with us concerning your faith being tried.

Sister: It’s my pleasure to share the great things my Father has done.

Interviewer: Do you mind walking us through your journey by answering a few questions?

Sister: Yes, my faith was definitely tried. Let me start off by saying God gets all the glory out of my life.

Interviewer: First of all, how old are you?

Sister: I’m a proud and thankful 63 years of age.

Interviewer: Can you tell us what happened?

Sister: It all started when I went to the doctor about acid reflux and they performed an endoscopy and ordered an MRI test. I got the test done and the doctor comes back and said he was sorry and had bad news for me. My heart fluttered. He said “I see a spot on your liver that doesn’t look good at all.” Inside of me, I was saying “My God.” So he said that it was out of his expertise, and he referred me to a wonderful specialist in Baltimore. He told me to make sure I see him. I got in my car, and talked to Jesus Christ. I told him what he already knew, but I still talked to him about it. I never told anyone but my healer. So I saw the doctor. He ordered all kinds of tests. By now I was convinced that I was healed and he couldn’t see anything. The doctor came back and said “ it doesn’t look good.” He said it looked like it could be liver cancer. He told me that he wanted to do another test, and I said “Okay".” I went home and talked to Jesus, and I said “Lord, it’s whatever your will is for me.” I told him “even though two doctors saw what they saw, I’m gonna trust you; You’re a healer.” And I quoted to Jesus Christ what my Pastor said “Why can’t he do it?” I then told myself that he could do it. As I went back for the MRI… “hallelujah and glory be to God,” there were three people in the room and I told one of them “I’m healed and this test won’t find anything.” My specialist from Baltimore calls me in and says “I don’t understand it!” In my mind, I’m saying “I do.” He then said “It’s gone. No sign of it.” He said that he followed up with the other doctor who saw it and he said that it was a miracle. I smiled and said “Jesus Christ.”

Interviewer: Were you ever afraid?

Sister: Yes, I was afraid in the beginning,

Interviewer: How did you keep yourself encouraged while waiting on your results?

Sister: I kept myself encouraged while waiting by fasting and praying and walking upright to the best of my ability. Trussing and believing in God.

Interviewer: What would you say to other Sisters who may be faced with the same or similar situation?

Sister: I would say to others to trust God no matter how it looks. He is a healer and remember if he doesn’t do it, it’s not that he can’t.


I’m a Witness and Believer in Miracles!


Yummy Dessert

1 can (16/20 oz) mandarin or oranges - drain for at least 

2 hours 

Mix together real good: 


1 can (approx. 20 oz) crushed pineapples 

1 lg box vanilla instant pudding 

3 cups vanilla yogurt; mix well 

Add 1 tub (5 oz/med size) Cool Whip; mix well 

Add - your drained oranges; fold them into the mixture 


Add 2 or 3 sliced bananas (I had two but next time will 

Use 3) 

Add coconut and walnuts to your liking. 

Maybe a cup of each. 



Whatever “it” is, fix the crack in your cup before you lose all your oil.